• Unfortunately, we do not handle sales or donations of instruments.

    However, here is a list of sites that may be helpful to you:

    Early Music America has a page where you can list instruments for sale/donation: https://www.earlymusicamerica.org/resources/early-instrhttps://www.earlymusicamerica.org/resources/early-instrument-exchange/.ument-exchange/.

    MusicSources Center for Historically Informed Performance, in Berkeley, also maintains a sales page: http://www.musicsources.org/instruments.html.

    The Used Early Music Instrument Facebook page is another resource: https://www.facebook.com/groups/usedearlyinstrumentsnorthamerica/

    If you are trying to buy/sell recorders, the American Recorder Society has a sales page (you can also find your local chapter and contact them directly): https://americanrecorder.org.

    In addition, many universities teach early music, especially Davis , UC Berkeley, and the San Francisco Conservatory (Historical Performance department); if you contact them, they may be able to put you in touch with a teacher or student in need of an instrument.

  • We do not recommend musicians. However, if you like, you may wish to contact one of our affiliates, which include many professional groups with extensive experience in early music who will make your event memorable!

    The San Francisco Classical Voice website has a Musicians For Hire page: https://www.sfcv.org/classifieds/musicians.

    As a cost-conscious alternative, the San Francisco Conservatory also maintains a page where you can hire musicians: https://sfcm.edu/hire-sfcm-musicians.

  • We do not maintain databases of musicians or teachers. Fortunately, SF Classical Voice does:

    San Francisco Classical Voice

    And, as always, if you contact your local music conservatory or university’s music department, they may have someone on faculty who can help you.